Tuesday 3 April 2012

Tutorial 5: Video Production Sessions

Introduce a chosen topic of interest drawn from your fieldwork experience or an OT practice area. 

  • Find five different sources of online video content that help explain, demonstrate, or provide personal experiences of your topic.  

During one of my practicum experiences, I worked at the Shenton Park Rehabilitation Hospital where I was able to observe the Occupational Therapist in the spinal and stroke rehabilitation unit.  I was fascinated by the amazing work the OT's were able to do with these clients to assist in regaining some independence and function.

Below are five different sources of online video content that relate to my experience at the stroke rehabilitation unit.

This first video is a overview of what a stroke is, how it is caused and what type of occupational therapy night be necessary to improve function.  It was necessary for me to understand a little bit about stroke before going out on placement.

During my time on the unit, I was involved in assisting those with hemianopia to use compensatory strategies, for example tracking exercises due to the loss of vision.  This was essential to maintain safety once discharged from rehabilitation to the home environment.  This video is an example of what it is like for someone experiencing hemianopia:

This next video the OT encourages bilateral hand function in a child who has had a stroke.  This will assist in improving occupational performance in all areas of life, for example showering, dressing, and eating meals.  Although I did not work with children on my practicum, the principles of encouraging bilateral hand function did still apply in that setting.  The OT's would ask the patients to try activities like washing or brushing their hair and teeth.  Or encourage the patient to cut up their food with a built up fork and knife.  

Another part of OT was to educate patients on the signs of stroke, as the sooner a patient gets help the better the outcome for the person suffering a stroke.  Here is an advertisement campaign used in Australia to raise awareness of the signs of stroke.

This last video is about a man who suffered a stroke and the process he is going through for rehabilitation.  This video is an indication of what therapy can do to facilitate function and independence.

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