Tuesday, 6 March 2012

Tutorial 2: Occupational Engagement, Doing, Being, Becoming, Belonging.

School Work:  Handwriting

During one of my practicum experiences, I had the oppurtunity to work with children in the classroom.  The OT put a huge focus on meaningful occupations, for example jungle gym play and arts in craft and how this can influence handwriting.  The children were developing fine motor skills, strentgh and co-ordination in a way that was interesting and fun without even knowing!

During school age education, children's occupations include learning academic skills such as literacy, which includes reading and writing.  Such skills are necessary to be able to process and communicate information (Case-Smith & O'Brien, 2010).  Handwriting is more than a motor skill, but a component of it is the ability to have the appropriate amount of strength, co-ordination and fine motor movements to be able to write legibly with ease and comfort.
Here is my slideshare of photos and images to represent my experience of their development:

Case-Smith, J., & O'Brien, J. C. (2010). Occupational therapy for children. (6th ed.). Elsivier.


  1. Hi Roxanne
    A good start to your blog and relevant links. Check Slideshare - there is an error.H:)

  2. Hi Hillary, as discussed in class it is working. So if you have any problems with it please let me know. Roxanne :)
